I recently had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of a distant relative.
Since, I have discovered some very interesting things about my Pinson family.
First, I have to say, that coming across a relative from a family going back 4 generations, in different branches of the family, well it just doesn't happen everyday.
After some digging, I found that our great, great, great grandfathers were brothers.
How cool is that?
My research has led me to a direct first cousin from my dad's brother Oliver, whom he never knew. My grandfather died the year after my dad was born, and died in the place he was born, Pike cty Kentucky.
My Pinson line dates back to England, and some have traced it back to a spanish man named Martin Alonzo Pinzon-
Martín Alonso Pinzón, was a Spanish mariner, shipbuilder, navigator and explorer, oldest of the Pinzón brothers. He sailed with Christopher Columbus on his first voyage to the New World in 1492, as captain of the Pinta.
His younger brother Vincent being captain of the Nina.
According to this- I am related to Charles Manson through William Pinson, who is my Gx3 grandfather. William had a daughter named Margaret who died about 1811.
Charles Manson family tree
Some of the Pinson girls even married into the Mccoy family of the famous family feud "The Hatfields and Mccoys"
The Pinson family migrated from England and Landed in Plymouth colony Mass.in 1638.
The first Pinson settlers to Plymouth were Thomas Pinson Sr and Jane standlake. Thomas was born in 1609 in Staffordshire. He died in Scituate Mass in June of 1694. Thomas was a Patriot and took the oath of fidelity in 1638. Thomas was constable of Scituate in 1655, and often served as surveyor of highways, and witness to wills and other instruments.
The Oath of Fidelity and Support was an oath swearing allegiance to the state of Maryland and denying allegiance and obedience to Great Britain during the American Revolutionary War.
Thomas SR and his wife Jane had five children together.
Thomas Jr inheriting land from his father.
Thomas Pinson sr
Since, I have discovered some very interesting things about my Pinson family.
First, I have to say, that coming across a relative from a family going back 4 generations, in different branches of the family, well it just doesn't happen everyday.
After some digging, I found that our great, great, great grandfathers were brothers.
How cool is that?
My research has led me to a direct first cousin from my dad's brother Oliver, whom he never knew. My grandfather died the year after my dad was born, and died in the place he was born, Pike cty Kentucky.
My Pinson line dates back to England, and some have traced it back to a spanish man named Martin Alonzo Pinzon-
Martín Alonso Pinzón, was a Spanish mariner, shipbuilder, navigator and explorer, oldest of the Pinzón brothers. He sailed with Christopher Columbus on his first voyage to the New World in 1492, as captain of the Pinta.
His younger brother Vincent being captain of the Nina.
According to this- I am related to Charles Manson through William Pinson, who is my Gx3 grandfather. William had a daughter named Margaret who died about 1811.
Charles Manson family tree
Some of the Pinson girls even married into the Mccoy family of the famous family feud "The Hatfields and Mccoys"
The Pinson family migrated from England and Landed in Plymouth colony Mass.in 1638.
The first Pinson settlers to Plymouth were Thomas Pinson Sr and Jane standlake. Thomas was born in 1609 in Staffordshire. He died in Scituate Mass in June of 1694. Thomas was a Patriot and took the oath of fidelity in 1638. Thomas was constable of Scituate in 1655, and often served as surveyor of highways, and witness to wills and other instruments.
The Oath of Fidelity and Support was an oath swearing allegiance to the state of Maryland and denying allegiance and obedience to Great Britain during the American Revolutionary War.
Thomas SR and his wife Jane had five children together.
Thomas Jr inheriting land from his father.
Thomas Pinson sr