If you grew up where the honeysuckle is, than most likely as a kid you pulled the middle out and sucked the sweet nectar off the strands of the flower.
What a treat it was raiding the honeysuckle bush on a hot day! The smell of honeysuckle is one of my favorite smells along side the Lilac bush. When I was a kid my great grandmother had a front yard full of Lilac and a backyard thick with honeysuckle vines.
The honeysuckle is much more than a beautiful smelling sweet tasting wild vine.
The honeysuckle is everything you never thought it was..
Names: Honeysuckle, Jin Yin Hua, Woodbine, Goat’s Leaf
Energetics: cold, dry, bitter/sweet
Primary Actions: clears heat, alterative, immune stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, antispasmodic, strongly antiviral and antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, uterine stimulant, relaxant nervine, astringent, lymphatic
Primary organs: Stomach, lungs, liver
Parts used: flower buds (primary in TCM), flowers, leaves, stem, root (berries are said to be cathartic/emetic, haven’t tried them).
Most popular in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Honeysuckle also has a strong history of use among Native Americans, Europeans and other peoples.
Like it’s cousin the Elderberry, Honeysuckle is considered to be strongly antibacterial and antiviral.
recent studies in China show it to be an effective treatment for certain cancers, especially breast cancer,
and has a history of widespread use with Pneumonia, asthma and respiratory infections/viruses. It is commonly utilized for acute cold and flu external type afflictions accompanied by fever and other heat signs.
Because of it’s broad antimicrobial action against a variety of bugs including strep, staph, salmonella and pseudomonas, it’s very useful both internally and externally for any inflamed infection. Honeysuckle’s mild and safe action make it safe in appropriate circumstances even in children and elders. It also has a place in the treatment of acute urinary tract infections, ulcers, acute hepatitis, upper respiratory infections, menstrual cramps, arthritis and some forms of high blood pressure.
It’s very healing on wounds, boils, psoriasis (use internally and externally), hot swellings, abscesses, rashes, skin irritations and the like.
It is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese herbology, a far cry from the Western way classification as an ornamental vine for the backyard fence. They use the flowers to reduce inflammation, fever and heat cases of acute respiratory infection and common colds, inflammations of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. In TCM, honeysuckle is used in combination with Chrysanthemum flowers to lower high blood pressure. In combination with Forsythia fruit, honeysuckle makes an effective remedy against the common cold
Honeysuckle Side Effects: Honeysuckle is not intended for long-term use. While the flowers are low in toxicity, the fruits, leaves, and stems are more toxic. Symptoms of poisoning include extreme tiredness, drowsiness, dilated pupils, and photosensitivity